The Hunt

Signs of a creature living there were obvious. A dozen scarred and cracked trees oozed sap. It must have rubbed itself on them, stripping them of all branches on the side of the tree several metres up, using another tree each time. The ‘nest’ was more of a scorched slight Read more…

The Artefact (Part 3)

[btn text=”<< Part 1″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [btn text=”< Part 2″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [hr] Albert and Verona stumbled into yet another room. A resounding crash was heard as the walls closed less than a metre behind them. Wordlessly, the two stopped running and bent over, panting. Silence, Read more…

The Artefact (Part 2)

[btn text=”< Part 1″ tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [btn text=”Part 3 >” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [hr] The two appeared mid-air and fell a few metres, landing on the grassy field below with a soft thud. They quickly stood up and each did their job automatically like a well-oiled machine; Albert Read more…

The Artefact (Part 1)

[btn text=”Part 2 >” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [btn text=”Part 3 >>” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_self”] [hr] They had arrived at their destination after weeks of journeying, a very ordinary mountain peak overlooking a stretch of land. It had not been easy to find the secret location, but the map had Read more…