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Askevir’s Legacy (Part 1)

Before objects had form, before words had meaning,
Before shadows could hide, what light brought to being.
In this space without space, a location sublime,
The only one present, was the master of time.

Askevir was adrift, their previous world destroyed,
A new form they took on, and enveloped the void.
A body coalesced, as true nature was cloaked,
Myriad of limbs appeared, and new gods were invoked.

First to form was Olvar, a bulk of stony mass,
Veins of white-hot iron, and scales of lead and brass.
Steel emerged from his back, large plates forming a crest,
unassailable form, through sheer stature expressed.

They begun constructing, a new and safer world,
Made in Olvar’s image, where Askevir’s claws curled.
His scales formed rocks and hills, his tears made rivers flow,
But it was all barren, no life wanting to grow.

The cause of this unknown, Askevir blamed the void,
And soon a concept formed, a new method employed.
Their work beget an egg, its shell shone gold and red,
Where one was awaited, two gods came out instead.

Without a single word, the skies above she claimed
Wrapping around the world, “Lanir” herself she named.
Her wings a silky blue, no limbs or claws in sight,
She was soft and tender, body and mind both bright.

After her came Ignir, similar in physique,
But his coat was pure black, and he brandished a beak.
He joined Lanir at once, following their calling,
The two joined their bodies, skies above becoming.

They proceeded to dance, revolving round and round,
And from this spectacle, two new gods could be found.
Voria was the brightest, between her horns pure light,
While Leor’s watchful eyes, illuminate the night.

Thanks to the commotion, Retolar flew awake,
They greeted Askevir, to then their world remake.
With but a single claw, they could create new life,
The once desolate lands, with energy now rife.

With Retolar’s support, at last Olvar progressed,
Rivers and mountains grew, his vision manifest.
Before long came Okar, charged with mountain upkeep,
And his sister Olrey, controlling oceans deep.

With lands and seas handled, life could finally sprout,
Retolar first made plants, adding them all throughout.
Together with Olvar, land creatures they procured,
With plenty plants and prey, to make sure they endured.

Retolar then moved on, with Olrey combining,
From fish to crabs to eels, all sea life designing.
Simultaneously, as if there were two,
Retolar joined Lanir, to life to skies imbue.

Observing his brethren, populate their domains,
Ignir grew inspired, to fill heavenly planes.
Together with Leor, they weaved star formations,
Imprinting memories, into constellations

Seeing all the creatures, created without him,
Filled Olvar with disdain, his judgment growing dim.
He desired revenge, as his heart grew callous,
Brought elements to life, and sent out with malice.

Yaun assaulted the skies, while Hloss attacked oceans,
Even celestial plane, was blocked with Vol’s motions.
But there was one more made, a new danger unseen,
One that aimed to kill all, the one we now call “Feen”.

Olvar did not intend, for Feen to be released,
And none could now stop it, an all-devouring beast.
The other gods agreed, to punish his blunder,
Locking him deep below, in eternal slumber.

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